Tuesday, December 15, 2009


So we FINALLY took a break from area code 704 and headed on up to the mountains of North Carolina for a little break and relaxation! It's what's now called a "babymoon." Since so many people (including my OB) have clue what a babymoon is I'll take the time to define it. According to wikipedia, one of the most realiable sources in the world. . .(this is a joke). . . Laugh here!

More recently the term has come to be used to describe a vacation taken by a couple that is expecting a baby in order to allow the couple to enjoy a final trip together before the many sleepless nights that usually accompany a newborn baby. Babymoons usually take place at a resort that offers appropriate services like prenatal massage.

Our original plan was to head to bright and sunny Florida however those plans didn't work out as expected. So things changed and we headed to Asheville, NC. Neither of us had ever been there so it was something new and we're always up for a change! We were only going to stay for 3 days versus the 5 original for Florida, but since it was only 2 hours away we took our sweet little time actually leaving. Friday morning we got up WITHOUT THE ALARM CLOCK which starts the day off just right. Dropped off our baby girl, Milley with Dana and Chris and headed out. The drive down was very easy . . . basically a couple of turns and we were there.

Upon arrival we did 2 of our regular past times. . .went looking at cars and to the pet store. Go figure! After that it was time for me and Kayla to eat! We went to a cute restaurant right up from the hotel and asked for the warmest place in the restuarant. It was cold in Asheville. . .let me not omit that minor detail. I mean I know it's December but I don't think we were expecting temperatures quite like that. After eating we headed back to our hotel to rest and re-up for our Biltmore visit/adventure. Now many may or may not know but William LOVES to plan our trips. He LOVES to sit and look at all the visitor brochures and books and plan our excursions. Me (especially these days). . .not so much. Just let me hit the hot spots, a couple restaurants and a good mall and I'm good! But not Mr. Gardin. He proceeded to go in and out of the room for a good hour calling places making reservations/appointments etc.

We then headed up the highway to visit the Biltmore Estate. Now I'm not sure we covered this in NC Social Studies but I'm pretty sure they didn't leave the details of the Vanderbilts out. This house was freaking amazing!!!! The Land, the House, the Interior. . .all of it was almost unreal. In a nutshell, Biltmore House is a French Renaissance-style mansion near Asheville, North Carolina, built by George Washington Vanderbilt II between 1889 and 1895. It is the largest privately-owned home in the United States, at 175,000 square feet (16,300 m2) and featuring 250 rooms. Now this house was built in the 1800s and can still marvel the minds of today. I mean for a man to dream/design and construct this mansion in the 1800s with the many amenities and luxuries of modern times is pretty darn awesome. It was HUGE and at Christmas time it was packed. Everything is lit up with lights and Christmas trees everywhere. Christmas at the Biltmore is one of their most busiest times of the year. And they've opened up a lot more rooms than they're ever had before. I would DEFINITELY suggest visiting it so you can see it with you own eyes. Afterwards was dinner at the Bistro near the Winery section of the Estate. EXCELLENT! And William and I pride ourselves on knowing good food. . .and yall . . .that was some goooooooooood food! Our compliments to the chef! Saturday my honey surprised me with a visit to the spa. Now again my husband is great and doesn't hesitate on the pampering. . but he LOVES a good massage too. So it was a treat for both of us. We went to the Spa at Biltmore Village where they pampered us for 3 hours or so. And then that night we went to see the Nutcracker performed by the Asheville Ballet Company. Pretty clever Mr. Gardin. . . good planning! Good times!

All in all we had a great time. We were happy to get away. But we've made the decision that any and all further vacations will be to areas with warm temperatures. We don't do well in the cold at all. I mean we ate whole meals sometimes with our coats on b/c everyone else was comfortable and unfazed by the temperature. I have more pictures to post. . . but I took my camera to be cleaned so I'll have to post them later. Now that the babymoon's done, we have Christmas, New Year's Day, then gotta get prepared for the arrival of Little Miss Kayla! Then we'll have to let her daddy plan her trips all over! B/c if she's got my blood running through her veins. . .she's gonna be OWT! It's too many things to do and places to see on this planet to sit home and not ever do anything.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Turn. . .

So 2009 just had one major thing after another happen. In the baby department, 1st it was Kesha with her big announcement. Then it was Lindsey looking really cute in pink at my wedding. Then D'Asia dropped the bombshell. . .and ooops . . . then it was my turn. After me the list of new baby mammas just grew almost daily.
Now . . . Kesha is playing with Little Isaac, Lindsey is cuddling Julianna, and D'Asia and Tripp have officially met each other. Sooooo I guess it's my turn!
Thus far I've been cool and haven't thought too much about the delivery. I mean everyone has their opinion of the best "birth plan" for me. . .but ummm I've been riding with Dr. Bessent thus far and I'll just hang with her plan. Thanks. Am I opposed to an epidural . . .ummm I'm a pharmacist! Yeah right, don't be surprised if I call 5-2396 and tell the IV Pharmacist to look for an order with my name on it and I'll send someone downstairs to pick it up and sign it out in a minute. Am I opposed to going early . . . ummm no. . .I think she'll make her big debut around 36 weeks but we'll see. Her and God are discussing that right now. Am I opposed to a C-section vs. a vaginal birth. . .ummm no. . .whatever they gotta do to get her out safest is fine with me. So in typing all that one would think I have it all together. Ready to go. . .but man I'm not sure how those contraction things are gonna work out. I can't get anyone to describe it to me. Not one of my baby mamma friends can give me a description of what to expect. For the water breaking thing, I figured it was like it is on TV. . .you get this big SPLASH of water while you're standing up. But from what I hear it's not like that either. Oh well we're just gonna have to see.
This week the cankles have come and gone and come back again. But it's progressed to wearing my Easy Spirits on the regular. My Danskos just don't cut it. . .and those Reebok Classics. . .yeah right. Now though it's also my fingers. I've worn my wedding rings 2 days in the past 2 weeks. I hype myself up every morning by picking up the ring and trying it on. It usually doesn't make it past my knuckle so I just put it back on the chain and wear it around my neck.
Kayla is poking these days. William has somehow developed the habit of calling either me or her his little Butterball. Either way it AIN'T cute. But he feels like its a term of endearment. But me I'm not so sure. Most days I feel like she grew overnight. And everyday at work as I walk from the parking lot to my building I KNOW she grew. By the time I reach the top of the hill. . .I am done! And by that time it's only 7:30 or so. Nowadays I walk into work at 730, 735, 740 just depends on how fast we can get out the car and get it moving. At this point I'm here! I remember the days when I literally RAN back to my building from my car b/c I was running late. Especially after teaching my Funky Fit class. . . I could hop out the car and hit a full sprint all the way to the door. Those were the days!
So I think Kayla is growing some hair. Don't quote me on this b/c I was what you might call a bald-headed baby. But this heartburn thing is for the birds. Of course the old wives tail is that the more hair the baby has the more heartburn you'll have. All I know is that today I took a total of 5 Tums. . .3 after breakfast and 2 after my midday brunch (i.e. not my official lunch but close enuf). And I feel like I need to take 2 more. This stuff just came out of nowhere. I really want to pop a Prilosec, Prevacid or Aciphex but I'd hate to have to get fussed out by my doctor by not following her instructions. These days ANYTHING will give me heartburn/indigestion. Orange Juice, French Toast Sticks, Bacon, Chicken, Chili. . .anything. . .everything.
But with all this indigestion you would think I wouldn't want to eat a thing. But this week I can't seem to stay full. I will eat and then an hour and half later I'm looking for something to munch. And it's not like I can stop it. So I've had to resort back to some healthy snacks. . .eating almonds, oyster crackers . . . anything that I "think" will hold me for a bit longer. . .but it usually ends up being a futile attempt.
Oh well seems like a lot has changed in the past week. . . and to think I have 9 more weeks to go! What will happen next!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

3 lbs. . .2 oz!

She's growing yall! According to the ultrasound Little Miss is in the 52nd percentile for her weight. Which was good to hear b/c my doctor was just fussing about a pregnant mother who's in her 33rd week and her baby is weighing about 8 lbs. . .Whew! That baby was in the 84th percentile! I keep telling William not to call out or comment on every "big" baby we see. Don't want him to jinx us!
We went on our tour of the maternity ward yesterday. Now this was quite interesting for William and I considering the fact that we've both already been on the 8th floor at CMC. I myself have/had access to the nursery b/c they have drugs in there. And the postpartum room that they showed me was too small to be mine . . . it was even more comforting when the tour guide/educator whispered this won't be the room that you'd get b/c you're an employee. . .Thank you very very much. But it was fine and fun just the same. William has already determined that he's gonna bring an air mattress to the hospital. But knowing my husband while, we're chilling/waiting for Kayla to debut, he may clock in and start working. I wouldn't even be surprised! The educator also told us last night that we need to pack a bag for Kayla, a bag for me, and a bag for William. Now anyone who's been on a trip with us knows that we tend to overpack for just about anything we go to. So to pack 3 bags ahead of time. . .that's gonna be quite interesting. We then went to the nursery to "see" the babies. The educator brought a newborn to the window for all of us to see. And how much did he weigh. . . 8 lbs!!!! That baby looked GROWN! And yet again, William went on to say. . .that baby is BIG!
Next class to take is the "Taking Care of Baby/Infant CPR." Now I know I could probably get by without these classes but hey, why not! They're free to employees and I'm sure I can gain something from each of them. William missed his Daddy Bootcamp for something at church. We've gotta see where we can squeeze that back in.
Our little ladybug is now active (when she wants to be). I've deduced that she LOVES french toast sticks from the cafe. After I eat some of them and I guess once it reaches her system she is too excited. We played "high fives" the other morning. Everytime I pushed on her hand (in my mind it was her hand) she'd give me five right back. The other night, William was rubbing on my stomach, and she pushed like mooove daddy, I'm trying to sleep! Good comedy. I tell ya.
The cankles have officially made their debut. Last week we hosted Thanksgiving dinner at our house. While I got a lot of help, I still had a lot of cooking to do myself. But after being on my feet for about 5 hours (without even thinking about my feet/preggo status) I realized that we might have a new issue. My feet were fat as can be. By the time Friday night at the mall, my Reebok Classics had officially had it. While in the mall, my shoes of choice were some furry Crocs but my Aunt Gina said no way. Soooooo I ended up with some Easy Spirit slide-ins. Anything at that point was better than what I had. I tried wearing my Danskos last week (before Thanksgiving) and those dog on shoes were sooooooooo tight. I almost lost my mind at work. I walked around the pharmacy all day barefoot and pregnant. (Don't tell OSHA!) Now they still haven't gone down to their original size. So in the words of my OB. . I gotta suck it up, I'm pregnant! Tomorrow I'm gonna put on my handy dandy TED hose.
I've also progressed to every other week doctor's appointments! Talk about cramping my work schedule. But we're gonna make it happen. Kayla and I will just have to wobble on to Huntersville every 2 weeks until week 36. . .then it's every week!
At this time I MUST take the opportunity to welcome Aunt Meechy to our fellow readers of this blog. According to Aunt Meechy she's had no prior knowledge of this blog and was only able to catch up yesterday. So welcome Aunt Meechy, we're so happy to have you with us ;)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

7 Months. . .

Can you believe it!?! 7 months this week! The What to Expect book says that I was actually 7 months last week (at week 27) but officially I'm 28 weeks this week! Last week I sent Meechy a text and let her know that I'm officially under 100 days pregnant! That's bananas!!
With these new days, weeks, months. . .comes the 3rd trimester! That's right people. Kayla is officially viable. For you non preggo people or non health care peeps that means that her chances for survival in the event that she decides to grace us with her presence earlier than expected go up more and more each day. Now for some that doesn't seem like a big deal but for me and my doctor that's when all the rules change!
Last Monday we had our monthly check up. And I was in and out of the my OB's office in 20 minutes!!!! That was a miracle. That's NEVER happened before. When Dr. Bessent was walking out of the room to leave I had to confirm that that was it. I don't think I've been in her office for less than an hour since we've met. But we did it. Kayla even bumped her "heartbeat listening" thingy.
Speaking of bumping. Kayla is having her own little party in my uterus these days. Its so cute. And it's getting stronger day by day too. She's been exploring the upper portion of my uterus lately so thankfully I've slept through the ENTIRE night for the past 2 nights!!!!!!!!! Talk about excited. I woke up Friday morning trying to figure out if it was a dream. But this morning it happened again.
Kayla's daddy bought her and him a HUGE live Christmas tree today. He was so excited and according to him so was she. We're having Thanksgiving dinner at our house this week. So today we were hustling and bustling all around to make sure that we are prepared. Then we decided to go see the movie Precious. Talk about emotional. That movie was intense. I can't imagine having to go through that or knowing someone who has had/has to go through that. The mother was a monster and Precious was unfortunately forced to go through that for 16 years. I wasn't sure I wanted to see it. But now it makes me want to take care of baby girl the best we can even more.

Monday, November 9, 2009

H. . . O-M-E-C. . .O. . .M-I-N-G! It's Homecoming yall!

This weekend, Kayla and her daddy experienced their first UNC HomeKOming! I was so excited to be back in Chapel Hill where so many memories were created! Friday night we went to the stepshow where that KnockOut Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta took home 1st place. . .YET AGAIN! William was a bit surprised to be around this rowdy bunch of professional women who talked much trash about any and everyone who graced the stage at the stepshow, including the fraternities! He said I sure hope the Deltas bring it b/c yall are talking a whole bunch of trash. . .WELLLLLL. . .they did! And he had to give us credit! I mean we have a tradition, a reputation which leads to the expectation of putting forth NOTHING but the VERY BEST! We even got the chance to see his cousin Josh "perform" (LOL!!!!!)
Saturday we started off early for a full day! 1st stop. . .KO reunion! Where the ladies of 26 years of Kappa Omicron gather together to say "hey" and remember when, take pictures, and just plain ol' fellowship! After that. . .gotta meet back up with William for the official Black Alumni tailgate! It was at this point that the "cat" (or announcement of Kayla) was truly out of the bag! I hadn't/haven't made an official Facebook announcement about our new baby girl! So for some people it was like Heyyyyyyy.. . OMG I didn't know! But with Kayla in tow I made the rounds! Speaking to everyone from Divann and Dina (from Whitakers), Tamika my counselor at Carolina Summers during '96, to any and everyone from '97-'03. It was great! The BAR reunion festivities get bigger and bigger each year. So it's always exciting to see who decided to come back each year! Then after the tailgate, we got to hang out with Shayla in the fieldhouse using her VIP status until the football game. (Sidenote. . .I don't know if I'll ever be able to take William to a UNC game again w/o some type of perk. . .The Shayla status doesn't come every time). We then went to the football game where UNC was again able to maintain possession of the bell -- thus symbolizing the domination of Dook in Football! It was close game throughout! Lots of fun to watch. . .and even better being there admist that sea of Carolina blue!
Once we arrived back in Cary preparing to return to Gastonia, that's when Kayla decided to show that she'd had too much excitement for one day. I mean she was moving and doing her thing all day long. Not to mention at the football game, after every sip of hot chocolate, she'd jump or wiggle in excitement! She was busy. . .but I guess it was too much for her. . .or me! B/c by the time I finally sat down and laid my head back, exhaustion came over my body! It was crazy! One moment I'm sitting there just fine, and then the next I feel like a total WIPEOUT! I tried taking a 30 min nap but that wasn't enough. So we had to just cop a squat in Cary and head back home on Sunday. Sunday though I was better, I was still dog tired! And to think I didn't go to any of the parties/meet n greets after the step show or game! If I had gone to them I may not have been able to lift my head today!
All in all it was great! I was so happy to be with my friends, my girls, my peeps! I was so appreciative to my honey bunny for hanging with me. I was even more appreciative to William for buying Kayla's first picture outfit ;)!!!! She's got her 1st Carolina outfit! It's soooooooooooo cute! Sooooooooooo perfect! The Bible says to train up the child. . .that includes college! It's important to instill the necessity for a college education from the start. I mean in my family there was no other option. I didn't think otherwise, the natural progression in my mind was always high school, then college. So for me. . . I gotta take it one step further. . .gotta show her all about being a Carolina Girl! They're the best in the world! Of course her dad has another opinion about where she'll go to school. . .but she doesn't have any WSSU gear so far!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Slip Ups. . .

So tonight, I experienced my 1st near slip experience. Now I have to go down a hill every day when I go to work. So I have envisioned myself having to avoid slipping down this hill many times in the upcoming months. . .due to either rain, leaves, or snow/ice. Well tonight as we left the Blake home going down the ramp, I slipped maybe a couple of centimeters and William almost lost his mind. After collecting his thoughts, he helps me to the car, sits down and then starts the lecture. (Oh yeah so now he's given his instructions for getting into my building at work) . . . after he finishes his lecture, he then proceeds to go call anyone he could think of to fuss me out. . .He calls my mother, his mother, his dad, my cousin, and gets a little frustrated b/c they sympathize with me the pregnany women without a center of gravity and extra pounds in the hips and the front and try to make sure that I'm okay. He calls errybody. . and gets mad when they don't stay on topic and lecture!!!! Then he calls Sister Patterson from church b/c she is ALWAYS on me at church to sit down, stay off my feet, don't pick anything/anyone up, etc etc etc. . .and what do I get. . .the lecture. And then she tells Brother Patterson (her husband) who also is gonna get me on Wednesday and Sunday as soon as he sees me!
So I slipped up. . .I understand, probably need to surrender my flats w/ the slick heel and convert to the flat flats with no heel. . .I know next time gotta put my hands on the rails.. .all that stuff. As Sister P also suggested, even though I LOVE taking care of my man, it's time to sit back and let him handle some things right now. . .ie no more lugging laundry up and down the stairs, taking the trash down. . .all that labor intensive stuff! I get it . . . 'nuff said! So as I sit here with my feet up. . .pillows propped behind my head and the remote in my hand. . .I'm gonna chill out! We'll see how long I can sit here. . .

It's 4 weeks to Thanksgiving, 8 weeks to Christmas! Whew where is the time going? It's reminding me of last year. This time last year I was planning a wedding and honestly December just got away from me. I don't think I made a single plan for the wedding in December. So much that my wedding planner thought I was mad or something. Well I had some family stuff going on with my aunt and I was out of the loop for real. This year. . .prayerfully no family issues will pop up. . .but before this year closes out. . .we've got some stuff to do! Gotta get ready for the big Wade-Gardin Thanksgiving shindig, decorate the house for Christmas, decorate the house for Kayla (ie her room, etc), Christmas shop (what little I plan to do). . . all while continuing to work, handle the church obligations with William, go on our "babymoon" before Kayla gets here. . . And this is the 3rd trimester!!! When they say the tiredness is gonna come back. So ummm. . .let's see!

William and I have gone on 3 dates in a week. Right now I'm really excited to spend quality time with just me and him b/c these moments may be few and far between. It's the little things that make it so much fun. After we dropped my mother off at the train station, we rode around Downtown Charlotte, looking/talking and then went to the movies, one night after I got off late we went and had a quick dinner at this nice restaurant that we both love, and Friday night we went to the movies again and saw MJ's This Is It! Nothing major just quality time! But tonight as I sit here on the bed, it's Milley's turn. I think internally she knows something is about to change b/c she's been all over William lately. She'll jump on the bed and just lay on him like please please please let me stay up here with you! She's spoiled and loves that man! So I can only imagine what Ms. Kayla is gonna do!

Oh well bedtime. . . good nite. .

Monday, October 26, 2009

BTW (By the way!!!)

So it's been almost 3 weeks with NO lunchtime car naps! Well today in my tired state of mind. . .what do I think about. . .a nap!!!! In September my lunchtime naps were rather pleasant. Wasn't too hot, not to cold, comfortable, put the windows down and lay it back! So today I go outside with the "thought" of taking a nap. . .guess what happened! It's too chilly! Can I sleep in my jacket and be comfy, should I crank the car and turn on the heat? "Oh No," I thought! What am I going to do during the 3rd trimester? It's gonna be a cold winter and I gotta make it through November, December, January, and some of February! So I'm taking any and all suggestions on how to make it through b/c everyone told me the tiredness, need for lunchtime naps, etc all come back in the end! So ummmmmm. . ..somebody's gotta figure out something!

So my peeps in St Louis have been on my head about pictures. They feel like I'm so far away and that they're not a part of this important time. So last night William took a picture so they could see how me and Kayla are carrying each other! Not the best pic, but. . .

Whew!!!. . .

So my mother was here for about 3 weeks "helping me out." But yesterday afternoon, we dropped her off at the train station for the Midnight Train to Georgia (or the 5:05 train to Cary. . .whichever works for you)! Now for 3 weeks William and I had grown accustomed to this wonderful help. The help with Milley, washing clothes, cooking dinner (or at least having the meat thawed out when I got home from work). . .all of that!
Well this morning, my husband continued his routine of getting up and out before the crack of dawn is even a thought, kissed me on the cheek and departed our humble abode! Then what happens, Miley starts barking. . .uh oh what's that noise! Let me call William to make sure he turned on the alarm. Well I got up finally at my somewhat usual time and got ready for another day at the JOB. Lately all I had to do was let Milley out the front door for a minute and keep it moving. This morning I had to let her out. . . Make sure she handled all her business, make sure she had enough food to make it through the day, put her in her crate and then get out of the house! Whew!!!! At that moment I fast forwarded in my mind a few years from now. When I could possibly have Kayla and Milley to attend to before leaving the house for work! Whew!!!! I was exhausted just thinking about it!
I finally made it to work . . . tired!!!!
Now fast forward to this evening! Got home, William had a jam packed day, so guess what . . .gotta walk Milley. I got that chick out of her crate and you'd think she was running in the Kentucky Derby . . .she took off! Ran around the upstairs, ran downstairs around the couch, through the front room, and then just proceeded to do laps! So I tried to let her outside the door like normal, of course she took off again. This time around the yard! Lord help me find that leash. So I FINALLY was able to put her on the leash and take her on a mini walk. You see she too had become spoiled with my mother here. She had lazy days w/o the crate, going in and out of the house. . .She had it made in the shade! So I finally get all that done. . .but what's next. . . Dinner!!!
Mind you at this point it's 7 pm. Here I am after a 10 hour day, basically being away from home for a total of 12 hours. . .I forgot to defrost SOMETHING ANYTHING in the freezer! What am I to do? All the while, my friend Jenn is having a good ol' time laughing at me, b/c it sounds hilarious on her end! So I piece some stuff together. . mesquite chicken breasts, Jambalya rice, some greens. . .HOPING in the end it will look appetizing/appealing to the eye some our stomachs can handle it! Pop it all on the stove, put the chicken in, let it simmer. . look at it 5 minutes later. . .Forget this. . Dinner's a bust. . .William can you bring us something home! It's just not gonna work! I'll do better tomorrow I promise. . .I just have to write myself a note to remember!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

New Developments. . .Literally!

I work 10 hours a day 4 days a week! Lately though, my boss has been scheduling me with Mondays off and I work Tuesday thru Friday. By the time Thursday rolls around I'm already tired. . .and by Friday I am exhausted. So yesterday after a LONG week I still had to go to my hair appt. Previously, when I lived in St Louis, I only did Friday night hair appointments for about a year. I HATE going to the salon on Friday night. . .regardless of how long Shamira takes on my hair, I'm never the only one there on Friday night. But none the less I dragged on over the salon. Thankfully I was able to walk right to the shampoo bowl and pretty much got under the dryer immediately (Which I hated before the pregnancy and now I LOATHE the dryer!. . .I just can't take all that heat!) So I'm sitting under the dryer and somehow my shoes comes off. I mean this happens all the time now (I'm very comfortable being barefoot and pregnant these days. . .shoes get on my nerves) and I look down and what do I see. . .the beginning stages of CANKLES! My feet are swelling. . .not quite Cankles (calves and ankles running together) but they're big these days! Why. . .I'm not standing, I didn't walk alot. . .what's going on!

Then after making it thru my dreadful time under the dryer I finally get called to the stylist chair and sit down! YAY!! I'm gonna get out of here soon. So I'm sitting in the chair and then all of a sudden I start to feel these sudden sporatic urges to use the bathroom. Not hard but just small nudges "to go" b/c my bladder is not completely empty. But it's not the full feeling just a slight kick. . .then it dawns on me. . .She's kicking my bladder! What in the world! Just last week the ultrasound tech had told me that I wouldn't feel her move as much b/c of where my placenta is situated. . .but by the looks of the ultrasounds she's kicking up a storm all the time! Well Friday night and today she let me know that she likes to kick near the bladder! It's the weirdest thing! They don't hurt and it's not a "pressing" urge to go! But I didn't even get mad at her! I just kindly let her daddy know that I might invest in a bedside commode!!!

BTW. . .I was only in the salon for a total of 2 hours and 20 minutes. . . but on a Friday night. . .with all this going on, it felt like forever! I was out of the shop on my way to meet my hunny for dinner at exactly 8:21pm!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Prenatal Picture!

William does more research on the sly than he'll ever imagine. So when he popped up with the idea to go get a 3D/4D ultrasound I just shook it off like yeah whatever. Quite honestly, the week that he suggested it was a true emotional rollercoaster and I just couldn't wrap my mind around another task. So I simply replied. . .okay baby! Well the next day he calls and informs me that we have a 1pm appt on Saturday. . .to which I replied. . huh? Who knew he'd get on this so soon. At that point in the week and even on Saturday morning I was still a tad bit hesitant and didn't have the energy to get too too excited. But he calls me at about 1150 from church and is like okay I'm on my way. . .to which again I replied. . .huh. . .okay!!! So I rush to get ready (I mean I was actually trying to get some chores done on a Saturday morning like the people on TV versus on a random night during the week). So we leave and head to Ballantyne! Good area in Charlotte so it can't be something too bootleg. We arrive at this building and enter into this sanctuary. . .music low, dim lights, and friendly faces welcoming us into this experiece. We register and are led back into the ultrasound room! Now this is part that I'm familiar with. Hop up on the table, pull your dress up or pants down below your stomach and lay back!
The owner, Mary Lucas (who to this day thinks my husband is hilarious), operates the ultrasound machine and it looks just like the ones at the doctor's office. Well then she flips this button and VOILA. . .we see Kayla's legs in 3D/4D (I'm not sure which one). . . .Now when I tell you those were the cutest legs, feets, and toes that I've ever seen! We were toooooooo excited. By that point of course I was crunk and eager to see her face. Well little Miss Kayla has a bit of me and William in her b/c chick would not move b/c I guess she just didn't feel like it. She was face down and would NOT turn her head so we can see her face. So Mary invited us to return a few days later to see if she'd turned.
Well this time we invited my mother and William's mother. . .b/c you can have up to 10 additional guests for this type of ultrasound. . .On the 2nd try. . . with an audience. . . it was all the way live! They LOVED it!!!!!!!!! Those two new grandmothers to be were to threw with themselves! They have spotted everything on the ultrasound to dimples, a big booty. . .mind you, babies don't have fat on them until later in the pregnancy! So we'll see! None the less we got a few glimpses of her face. .and of course those cute toes again!
Next visit is in December when she's bigger and had a lot more features to view!!!

For those of you pregnant mommies out there. . .we highly recommend The Prenatal Picture in Ballantyne!

It's a Family Affair!!!

So the most AWESOME Devastating Divas of DST got together for Nicole, D'Asia and I! To wish and welcome officially Baby Harrison, Baby Tripp and Baby Kayla into the world! For Kayla and I, it was our FIRST babyshower!!!!! It was great! These ladies have stepped their game up too! Gone are the days of chickens wings and a Harris Teeter cake (LOL). . .but we had baked chicken, roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, many desserts! At this KO event (no longer in Great Hall) . . . children were allowed! And they stole the show! Laden and his butter and photography skills(LOL), Koen and his cute biteable cheeks, Ariel and her lady like demeanor, Baby Harrison and his debonnaire ways already,
It was about have of the line that showed up but just like always we were so excited and eager to tell each other that you'd never know that the room wasn't packed with all of us!
They showered each of us with gifts galore! It was so unexpected and overwhelming. The tips that these ladies were able to offer shows how invaluable these relationships are!
To all those "KnockOuts" who weren't able to make it and especially to those who were . . .THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! We can never say that enough! William, Kayla and I enjoyed ourselves and I can't wait until we do it all again!

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ooops. . .Sorry!

Okay so why didn't anyone tell me that when you're pregnant you become clumsy! I have dropped something everyday this week. And all for no reason at all. Monday it was my decaf White Mocha from Caribou right at the front door all over the carpet (I had to tell Ms. Gwen so they could pull out the heavy duty cleaners/vacuum to shampoo the carpet b/c the ants who have had a field day), yesterday it was the ceramic flour canister at home (yep flour and pieces of ceramic all over the kitchen floor. . .William did such a wonderful job cleaning it up!), today it was my orange juice (as I'm walking down the hill back to my building with my oatmeal in hand there it goes rolling down to the bottom of the hill). . .it has all just somehow fallen out of my hands!!! And when I mention it to people they're like. . .oh yeah that happens! Why? This isn't in the books!!!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

'Tis the season!

So contrary to what many may have thought. . .we've been pregnant for quite a while. Meaning we've known since VERY early in the pregnancy. We knew it before it even showed up on the ultrasound. All it was was just a little black spot! But now there's so much more. So when we finally decided to officially "let the cat out the bag" although the Wade fam knew before we confirmed a thing. . . I tried to find some pregnancy friends. Someone to be pregnant at the same time. I just figured it would make it easier knowing you had a preggo buddy. . .But it seemed like oh well it was just gonna be me. . .
But little did I know that these chicks were in the mix all along they just weren't saying anything. So right after me, there's Chiana, Rhonda, Niccole, & Reecy!!!!!!!! What in the world!!!!! I suspected Niccole and Reecy but got no confirmation until this week! Go figure!
So Kayla's gonna have some buddies!! Luckily Reecy and Chiana both live in Charlotte. Niccole and Rhonda still need to move!
Welcome aboard ladies! Have fun on this journey as we all prepare for the little miracles that have been placed within us! Welcome aboard!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's a . . . .GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah burst my little bubble! I just KNEW it was a boy! I was convinced that there would be no getting up early to do hair, buying dresses, nails, etc. . .But as the ultrasound technician moved that little wand over the stomach, as I'm eagerly watching to see if I can tell, I hear William Gasp and say Oh my God!!! I was like what, as the technician pointed to the hip bones, etc. . she was like yep that's right buddy. . .get ready it's a girl!!! So as my shell shocked husband tried to grasp the fact that he's gonna have a Daddy's Girl. . . I laid on the table trying to see where my thoughts/feelings had gone wrong. I mean the chinese lady in the nail shop did tell me it was a girl . . . but I was like whatever she's chinese!
So in approximately 4 months we'll get to meet Little Miss Kayla Simone Gardin!!!!
I guess I can go shopping that little boutique right down from the hospital that has all the dresses. I told William to get ready b/c girls are expensive. . .I mean when I go for my mani/pedi, she's gotta go too. . .when does that start, 6 months? When we go shopping, you never buy just one dress or one pair of shoes. She's gonna need her hair done too! So much to do!

Monday, September 7, 2009

I forgot. . .

So b/c I waited so long I forgot to mention a few things. .

The new vitamins!!! - One day if you ask me I'll say yes they're working.. . but other days. . .naw dawg it's the same ol' thing! They're by far not nearly as nasty (much bigger of course) as the others so I can take them without discomfort! AS for the energy. . .last week I only had to go to my car one day on my lunch break! Luckily it's been cooler in NC so I was able to crack the window a bit and catch my shut eye! But then the next day I was fine! Who knows. . . I'm waiting for my pregnancy high --- similar to the runner's high (when you've been running for so long that you get a 2nd burst of energy and are able to make it a few more miles w/o as much effort!)

Pregnancy brain - If I don't write it down. . .you can forget it (not all the time but ALOT!) One day I was up on the floor at work with a patient's chart in my hand and I couldn't remember a dog on thing! It took me a few moments to figure out my next move! Str8 comedy!

New appetite! - Luckily for me I can't eat for two! If you take me out for dinner consider me a cheap date! I have to eat portions of my meal at a time. I get full soooooooooo quickly it's pretty weird. But in the opinion of my doctor that's good b/c my weight has been steady so far, no sudden jumps! So I can still have my pepperoni pizza when needed!!!! Papa John's thin crust . . .mmmm mmmm good!

BTW. . .Today is my anniversary! 6 months baby! Time flies when you're having fun. . . or a baby I guess!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Know!!!

So it's been a few weeks/days since I've added an entry! But honestly it's just been a lot going on! Aside from officially reaching the 3rd decade of my life! It's been weeks of feelings of ups and downs! Pregnancy pains, growing pains. . .all that! For my birthday . . . my honey bunny hubby. . .took me to the Southern Part of Heaven for a conference at the pharmacy school and then we spent time with the fam and friends! So cute. . .but his hands were tied b/c of the "takeover." I never know how I'm gonna feel. Then the next morning got a mani/pedi and went SHOPPING! Yay! Maternity clothes! My new wardrobe! It's the most unreal feeling to wake up one morning and have it all in your head what you're going to wear. So you walk to the closet all calm and confident (b/c of course you're not going to put on skinny jeans or anything) . . .pull the pants of the hanger. . .and just gasp! The button's not working! And that belly band that I have isn't my favorite things. . .so blue scrubs it is! But now I have some pants, jeans, shirts, and dresses. I'm going to have to go against my dresses at the hospital rule. Dresses are just much more comfortable than anything else! Especially my weigh in dress. . .it's as light as a feather!

So today marks 16 wks and 1 day! WOOOHOOO!!! You'd think the world was carrying this extra bundle. Everyday you get the question, do you know what you're having? When are you going to find out? William's mother is about to have a panic attack if she doesn't find out soon! She already bought some Jordan booties! They have pink on them. . .so if it's a boy, I don't know what she's gonna do. So I've found myself trying to calm others down and say it's okay, we'll find out soon enough! The only one who's there to calm me is my doctor (in her best calming style . . .b/c that chick far from calm) and William.

I've been having some stressful/painful weeks so I had to give up teaching my Funky Fit class! I was soooooooooo sad, but I understand business is business so I told Nettie to go ahead and take me out. I just was not reliable, although she was more than happy to wait for me to be sure, but I didn't feel it was fair to my regulars. They deserve a strong instructor who's pumped and ready to go for the 45 min lunch time workout. . .and me, shooooooot . . .after the the intro song, I was starting to feel like woooo yall sweating yet! But I went back last week after 1.5 wks w/ no exercise! Of course, the other instructors and Nettie were on me like white on rice to take it easy. Today was the MJ/Labor Day midday workout and it's so easy to get caught up in the music but my "takeover" bundle wasn't having that! I mean I can make it through the class but not nearly like I used too! This is so weird for me! I mean I'm the chick who would drive halfway across STL for a step class right after I finished my spinning class! So for 5 more months. . .I'll be the low impact/no impact, walking/trotting around the track. . .But afterwards. . .who knows. . .I've already solicited my coworker to run a half marathon with me! Sure it's to help her in her weight loss goals. . .but ummm. . .it's also so I can whip myself back into shape after the baby arrives. . . .I've got a few ideas/plans for all this. Gotta make sure I register for the jogger baby stroller!!!!!

What else has been up! So I finished my photography class and for my birthday. . . my honey bunny hubby got me Photoshop Elements! HOLLA!!!! I'm super crunk over the baby pictures that we're gonna have. William wants to take the class when he has time (yeah uh huh whenever that is). . .but he's gonna have to get crash training from me so we can tag team this!

Lately I've been having the BEST conversations with my fellow young professional mommy friends! Women who are mastering or have mastered the true essence of Work-Life-Balance! Our conversations have ranged from Hynobabies, Waterbirths, Dermoblast, C-Sections, Work schedules. . .and the list goes on and on! Most recently I talked to Sienna's mom (Niccole :)) and she is FULL of good stuff! But I'm not surprised Niccole has ALWAYS been easy to talk to and just a good voice to hear! I was so excited to hear from her and all she had to say! My girlfriends are the best! They're all doing their things! Within my circles I have SEVERAL prayer partners who're there when I need them most (even when I don't realize it), Nurses (who're my very own personal doulas --- Mary & Tiff (both of whom work in L&D)), government agents, pharmacists, lawyers, teachers. . .and the list goes on and on and on (I even have my very own Japanese tutor for when our child decides to become international in their chosen field - Thx E!)! It's now that I'm appreciating them most and loving the access that I have to them! If you think I've relied on your before ladies. . .you just wait!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Vitamins . . .

So Monday I called my OB boldly and asked for new prenatal vitamins. It was suggested by a mother of twins to get her to change so I can get some energy back. So the triage nurse proudly called in a month's prescription so I could get it immediately and a 3 month supply to the mail order so I'll be stocked up. She told me which version I was getting so of course. . .as the non-retail pharmacist, I had to look it up to see what "goodies" were in this brand. As I scrolled the website I saw IRON! VOILA! YAY I thought I'll definitely be soaring over the moon with these bad boys. Mental note. . .stop at Walgreens on the way home!
So last night was my last photography class and wouldn't you know it, we went over the time. Class lasted until 920. . so I'm rushing down to the car, hop on the Brookshire, then jet to 85. . b/c I gotta get to Walgreens by 10! (I think they close at 10). I mean I know I watched the clock to ensure that I would AT LEAST have a 5 minute leeway. . .b/c if the pharmacist is ANYTHING like me in my Walgreens days. . . 10 o'clock, we shut it all down! I pull into the pharmacy drive thru (man I like this window . . .TODAY. . .not when I'm working) and gladly give the technician my name! She rings me up and sends me on my way.
You can't begin to imagine the delight I have as she hands me the bag! So I pull into the garage and rush in the door to show William what I got. So he looks at the new vitamin and says. . . "Oh my God, look at that big pill." Crushing my dreams. Yeah it's big but that's b/c it's powerful!
So this morning I get to work and can't wait to eat (an empty stomach with vitamins does NOT sit well with me). Grab my OJ. . .and pop my vitamin! And I just wait as it goes down! Visions of energy just dancing in my head. . .
So I wait an hour. . .no change, I wait 2 hours. . .whew let me go for a walk around the building b/c I'm about to pass out. . .wait for 4 hours and at this point, I'm just a mess! Whew is it too early to take a lunch break and go to my car to take a nap. . .
All in all, nothing happened today. And I KNOW vitamins do not work immediately but I just had such high hopes! Oh well I'll just have to take the new horse pill again tomorrow and try it again!

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Beat Goes On. . .

So today, when the heat index was well above 100 degrees, we trudged our way up 485 to see Dr. Bessent! I didn't have a clue as to what we were doing today. . . I mean all I know is the usual. Walk through the door, complete the hand scan to "id" me, then head to the bathroom for a urine specimen. So I go in, do the bizness. . .and head thru the next ritual.
Hop on the scale . . . what down 3 lbs. . .HOLLA!!! I was hyped, but I think I knew to expect this. You see, when you're pregnant your OB visit is kinda like a Weight Watchers weigh in. All my peeps who've done WW know the routine. Before you step on the scale, it's absolutely imperative that you, wear the same "light" outfit, no shoes, and MAKE SURE YOUR BLADDER IS EMPTY. I mean everyone knows this right, clothes and an empty bladder can add 1-3 lbs easily depending on the time of the year. So this time, I went in a sun dress and flip flops. . .and it worked! It's so nerve racking to go in there and try to tabulate in your head how many lbs you've gained since things started. So we go into the room to wait on the Dr. and she pulls out the machine to hear the heartbeat. I had no clue this was in store for today. But we heard it just as plain as day. William was glad he went to this appt. He kindly let me know that had he not been there that I would have needed to record it. . .go figure! But all the in all . .the beat goes on. . .no we're beating through the 2nd trimester! Woohoo. . .energy and antinausea (I hope) days should be here soon!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I'm tired!!!

So remember last week I THOUGHT I was almost over the fatigue! Nope. . . The takeover continues! Not only have I fallen asleep with my head on the counter at work, today I rushed home (since I was working closer to my house) threw everything on the couch on the floor in William's ofc and laid it down for exactly 25 minutes! He wondered why the books were on the floor when he got home! Sorry but it had to be done.
I keep trying to encourage myself by thinking of those who've done this before me! Monday it was Rhonda Tuesday it was Lindsey today it was Sherrie and Sharese! I think my problem is that my job has periods where it can be dead and that happens right when my body is done! I asked LaTanya (Dr Lofton at CIR) if she could get a couch n her ofc. She said I'm welcome to use her desk when I need it! Bump the desk I'll take the floor!
Saturday is William's birthday! I have had to use that creative side that hasn't been exercised much lately!
Ooops I just remembered something that I forgot. . . Part of this new brain fog!
This wk I've gotten news from some more undercover mommies to be! That's exciting to know that we can trade stories! I'm not alone! It is quite comical to hear all these hilarious stories!
William decided to flip thru my What to Expect book! He was shocked to see how interesting it was! He even had the nerve to compare what symptoms I'm having! That convo didn't go well. He did however discover that maybe I'd like a back rub! So at about 1230 IN THE MORNING my hubby decided to give me a back rub! I was like Why r u hitting/rubbing my back so hard RIGHT now! He said b/c the book said u would like it! Ummm yeah n the morning or after work! But at least he tried!!! Gotta luv him!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

This is the last ultrasound! Had it Thursday! We still can't tell what the "plum" is but all systems are a go!
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Uh oh! I'm Preggo!!!

So it happened folks! Some prayed, speculated, made wagers, hoped, and even counted on it! And it happened. I work in health care, have had countless hours of training in women's health, hormones, the cycles, all that. . .but I HONESTLY did not think it would happen so quickly. So as we roll upon our 5 month wedding anniversary next week, we'll also roll into the beginning of the 2nd trimester for our new baby "plum" this week!
It's been rough going through these initial months b/c you're supposed to keep it hush until the 1st trimester. So without having people to talk to about it . . . I just had to grunt and bear. I mean don't get me wrong William is GREAT! He helps with the cleaning, grocery shopping, my tiredness, my mood swings, my instant hunger changes. . .but some things he can't relate to. Sorry only a women understands why her now hugemongous breasts are so sore or heavy or why at 3pm all you want to do is lay on the floor and take a nap by any means necessary or why it's traumatizing to try on a suit that just a few months ago was loose and now it may be your last time wearing it for a while.
So follow our journey over the next 6 months as we go through 'changes.' I'll put pictures up in a bit. . .but I just wanted to get everyone revved up and ready to go!