Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I Know!!!

It seems like I'll never catch up. . .not on my Things To Do List, My Phone Calls, My Scrapbooking, My Ironing, My Laundry, My Baby Projects, My Photography, and of course My Blogging.
So what's a new mommy to do. . .Pick up where you are and roll with it. So the world has been missing insights into the Gardin Fam. But trust me when I say, it's hard out here for a mommy. Not to mention I'm a professional breastfeeding mommy so after rising at 5 am to pump, hoping that I don't disturb my sleeping beauty (who if she does wake needs to be nursed), get ready for work, drive 40 minutes to work, work 10 hours (3 days a week), taking frequent breaks to "pump" (baby's gotta eat), save/lives and restore quality to life (i.e. work), drive 40 minutes back home, feed/play with baby, wash baby, cook/eat (sometimes), talk/chat with hubby, squeeze out a quick shower for myself, get in the bed. . .by the time I sit on the bed the internet or a blog is the LAST thing on my mind. I mean don't get me wrong, I think of stuff to write all the time, but it's the posting that poses a problem. Especially since this website is blocked on my work computer. Which annoys me. . don't they realize that it's when I'm at work that I get to "do stuff" that I can't find the time to do at home.
Since my return to the working world, I have come to several conclusions:
When you're still nursing, I don't think there is a day that will go by without forgetting SOMETHING at home or in the car. 2 days ago I PROUDLY arrived at work a whopping 15 minutes early only to discover that I'd left my wallet at home in the baby bag.
When you're nursing and working, it's probably not a good idea to walk with your pumped milk through the hospital halls.
When you're nursing and working in an older facility that has not met state regulations to provide a designated area for "pumping," that it's not a good idea to wait until it's unbearable to find a place to pump.
Believe me I have a whole list of these revelations but I won't bore you. . .
Little Miss Sunshine is growing by leaps and bounds. I put her on her tummy a few nights ago and she promptly propped herself up on her hands and held her head proud and high. So exciting for her. She's doing great. One night about a month ago I was walking around with her in my arms and I looked to the side and realized that the bobble head is gone. She was posted up looking at everything that I was looking at. She LOVES to see stuff light up. I was gonna say she loves television but I think she's actually intrigued by the lights on the TV. So when the cell phone lights up, TV, or her glow worm she's automatically tuned into it. She's a people watcher too. She's always looking at people like what exactly are you doing. She loves to talk, loves to be sung to, loves to be outside, loves to have her toes out, loves to get in the bathtub. . .she's just a happy baby with a lot of love for this world. She continually amazes me.

She's already started her college tour. She's been to WSSU and of course UNC-CH. . .so we're going to see which school she likes best. I've posted her pictures online so feel free to watch her 0-3 month shots.

Stay tuned b/c there's always more to come.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Don't Be Mad. . .

My story. . .Kayla arrived at 4:34pm on February 17, 2010.
My hubby and I left the Blake Hotel at about 5:50 am on that morning. We stayed right down the street from the hospital b/c our appt was at 6am and we weren't too interested in driving the 40 minutes from Gastonia. The night before we went and had fine dining at "Floyds" on The Plaza. LOL. . .that's an oxymoron. Floyd's is great soul food. . but it's not exactly "fine." We arrived at the hospital at about 5:55 am and had to go meet Kim near the Pediatric ER b/c she couldn't figure out how to get to the main entrace of the hospital. Kim was very persistent and didn't care if we wanted her in the room or not, she wasn't interested in missing a minute of Kayla's 1st big day. So after waiting about 15 minutes for my escort and William and Kim, they took me upstairs to my room where I was told to undress and comfy so we could start the induction. My MD decided to do an induction b/c in her words. . .it felt like I'd been pregnant forever! LOL. . .it was 3 days prior to my due date and with all the up and downs of the past 10 weeks she knew that I wanted HER. Not Dr. Rausch and not Dr Mallard. . .Dr. Bessent please!
At 7:30 my doctor buzzed in the room to tell the nurse that she's about to come in and break my water. Then at 8 am they started my Pitocin to get the contractions going good and strong. And boy oh boy were they. . .I mean it changed so much. I have NEVER felt a pain like those contractions. They rock you from your inner core and there is NOTHING that you can do to prepare. I can't even describe what it felt like. But I had no choice. . .I'd already prayed to God about why we have to go through painful childbirth. . .but at that point, I was mad at Eve. . .she messed it up for errybody!
Well after I'd endured about 3 hours of contractions, I was DONE! I looked at my nurse, Sheiva and said did she think it was too early to get my epidural. She kindly looked at me and gave the "standard" answer (it's your decision, it's never too early, yada yada yada) to which I gave her the "realest" response that I could muster up. I basically told her to keep it real and give me the truth. . .keep the fluff. . .too which she responded yeah let's wait a little bit longer. So I did. . .about an hour and then I got it. . .that wonderful clear bag with the red label. . .MY EPIDURAL. (4 cm) At 1230p I the anesthesiologist walked through the door and I was so happy to see his smiling face. He even posed for a picture. And once that sucka kicked in. . . it was easy sailing. I was able to relax and take a nap. I didn't even trip when William ate his Chick Fil A fries (that smelled sooo good) right in the room. Or when everyone walked through the door with their Starbucks cups! Nope I was cool, just give me my ice and my apple juice!
So I took an hour and a half nap and when I woke up I felt some "pressure" no pain, just pressure and the nurse checked me and said I was at 9 cm. . .1 more to go buddy!!! She called Dr. Bessent (who was working in Huntersville) and by the time she got there BAM 10 cm at about 4pm.
She came in like the whirlwind she is. Propped my feet, got Kim and William squared away, told the nurse to get herself together b/c we're about to have a baby. . .and by 434pm and 5 pushes. . .VOILA. . .She was here!
So today is March 25th and Kayla has been here for 5 weeks and a day! I have so many pictures to post, milestones to share!
I don't even know where to begin.
As of today, my doll baby currently wakes up approximately 2-3 times per night. . not bad at all. We generally get one 4 hour stretch of uninterrupted sleep. Last night I was sleeping so hard that when I woke up before she did I had to remember where I was. She is learning to like/love her bassinets. . .that was a straight up battle in the beginning. . .but we're winning.
Kayla has had visitors from as far away as Japan to as close as Gastonia (of course). She has outgrown almost all of the "newborn" clothes and now rocking 0-3 month outfits. She has been to the mall, church, doctor's offices, Carrabas and a few other places. Yesterday my big girl rode all the way from Concord Mills with no major crying episodes. She just looked out the window at this big ol' world.
I will post some pictures soon. Right now my camera is downstairs and I don't feel like going to get the card. But I promise to be back soon!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

It's almost V-day!!!

So yesterday marked the end/beginning. It was my last day at work before Little Miss makes her debut! Maternity leave according to mothers is not a vacation. . .but by golly when I walked out that door I sure felt like it. There were confused faces of envy all around. Like man she won't be back for months! According to tradition with the older generation, I should sit in the house for 1 month at least without going anywhere. . .but ummmm. . .we'll see how that works out! The Gardins at 2433 Cagle Court have got plans! While Kayla has got things to do and people to see. . .Train up the child right!!! She is gonna be my new road dog!
Tomorrow is Valentine's day. I honestly thought she'd be here by now, considering all the "excitement" we had during the 1st and 2nd trimester. . .but this chick is not pressed! So I didn't "prepare" anything b/c I didn't want to have to cancel it or let money be wasted. I had great ideas. . . but nothing ever materialized. My hubby though has some plans but he told me he felt the same way. He was nervous about making any type of plans during the month of February.
We got snow for the 3rd week in a row. Makes me think I'm back in the Midwest, except they don't have the excellent road crews so when it snows here you're stuck, until it heats up or the sun comes out! And now William is more protective than ever so he's a bit dramatic when I talk about rolling out!
Our 1 year anniversary is 3 weeks away! YIPPEE!!! That's a big deal! It's been a heck of a year. A lot has gone on, changed. . .it's bananas! So I DEFINITELY need to have that night planned. . .at least try to steal away for an hour or so!
It's almost time for me to get moving/ready. I'll try to remember to take a picture!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Kayla's coming!

So I know it's been weeks since I've posted. . .but in an effort to prepare for Kayla's arrival I guess my body has taken a somewhat break from wanting to do much extra.
Lately, I haven't called many people (I know even less than those that I already do call) but when I do send a text or call I get the immediate question. . .r u okay? r u in labor? How's Kayla. . .My response is usually no, no I was just calling to chat or tell you this or that! Everyday when I leave work, my coworkers all say, maybe we'll see you tomorrow, and everyday I say, yeah you will. Little Miss Kayla is in no hurry to see us! She is CHILLING! Snug and cozy. . .maybe if the weather gets better she'll decide to grace us with her presence, grace and beauty!
Here are a couple of pics that I took at a shower or so a few weeks ago. . .So you can see me and my progress!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kayla on My Mind!

So Kayla's room is finished! Well for the most part. In the event that she decides that she doesn't want to be in the room with me and her daddy, she can move into her private area! :)
We still have to get a few "finishing" touches but I think she'll be happy with how we've prepared for her! I hope she likes it!


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Monday, January 4, 2010

The beginning . . .of the end. . . maybe?

So this week will start Week 34 of my pregnancy. In medical terms, that means if Kayla Simone decides that she's tired of being in this cramped up space that if she tries to start some labor, my doctors won't stop her. They'll let her run the show! That's exciting!!!
But my "nesting" instict hasn't kicked in. So I'm not so sure that she'll be here this week. We're not ready. We have purposely not bought much other than clothes b/c there are 3-4 lingering baby showers out there. Regardless of my "gut feelings" about when she's coming, I couldn't make the planners plan the showers early. And the holidays (just like my wedding plans) basically knock out a whole month. Now we do have some things but my critical supply is not up to par yet. Clothes she'll be dressed to impress for well into her first year! I mean those people who knew Geneva Wade should have no problems thinking anything less! My grandma didn't put me out there in mess so I CAN'T do that to her.
But she might still need a diaper or two. . .a bottle, maybe I mean the plan is to breastfeed but. . .we'll see, Oh yeah gotta get some of those onesie/t-shirt things.
William's nesting instict has started. I arrived home last week to find a man on a cleaning spree. The Christmas tree was outside, the decorations in the attics and closets cleaned and thinned for Goodwill. So I won't be surprised in the least if I come home to find a crib put together, etc etc etc. He gets like that! So that part of her room will be done.
William officially starts his new job today. He's now a Director of Rehab . . .still with the same company, just a different building. Now he'll be working in Charlotte. . .closer to me and Kayla in case something pops off while I'm at work. . .oh yeah gotta pack that bag for the just in case!
We had our childbirth class last week. It was a lot. . .did we need to go, who knows, but hey it was free! So I'll use all that CHS has to offer. In it, William was able to "feel" what it's like to carry a baby! Take a look!



Happy Monday!
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