Saturday, August 1, 2009

Uh oh! I'm Preggo!!!

So it happened folks! Some prayed, speculated, made wagers, hoped, and even counted on it! And it happened. I work in health care, have had countless hours of training in women's health, hormones, the cycles, all that. . .but I HONESTLY did not think it would happen so quickly. So as we roll upon our 5 month wedding anniversary next week, we'll also roll into the beginning of the 2nd trimester for our new baby "plum" this week!
It's been rough going through these initial months b/c you're supposed to keep it hush until the 1st trimester. So without having people to talk to about it . . . I just had to grunt and bear. I mean don't get me wrong William is GREAT! He helps with the cleaning, grocery shopping, my tiredness, my mood swings, my instant hunger changes. . .but some things he can't relate to. Sorry only a women understands why her now hugemongous breasts are so sore or heavy or why at 3pm all you want to do is lay on the floor and take a nap by any means necessary or why it's traumatizing to try on a suit that just a few months ago was loose and now it may be your last time wearing it for a while.
So follow our journey over the next 6 months as we go through 'changes.' I'll put pictures up in a bit. . .but I just wanted to get everyone revved up and ready to go!


  1. OMG, I'm so happy for you! There is an actual tear in mine eye! Congratulations to you both, it couldn't have happened to a more wonderful couple.

  2. Yaaay!!!! Congratulations, Vicki and William!!! I'm so excited for you both! What a blessing!

  3. Congrats girlie to you and William. I'm very excited for you all.

  4. Uncle Barry is ready for duty...well not diaper duty...but I'm ready!! Congrats to you both!

  5. I'll be your faithful blog follower!! Congrats Vicki and William!!!

  6. I'll be waiting for the pics to post!!! I'm SUPER excited for you and William!!!

  7. WOohoo!! Vickilynn you going to be a Mama!! :)
    Im putting in a vote for a girl...we need some more estrogen around here,lol!!


  8. CONGRATS!!!!!! I am so excited for you & William & wish you all the best....and again congrats to the both of you!!!

  9. OMG!!! OK close my mouth. The baby is having a baby...! Congratulations and keep us posted.

    Love, The Logans (youlanda and malcolm)
