Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's a . . . .GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah burst my little bubble! I just KNEW it was a boy! I was convinced that there would be no getting up early to do hair, buying dresses, nails, etc. . .But as the ultrasound technician moved that little wand over the stomach, as I'm eagerly watching to see if I can tell, I hear William Gasp and say Oh my God!!! I was like what, as the technician pointed to the hip bones, etc. . she was like yep that's right buddy. . .get ready it's a girl!!! So as my shell shocked husband tried to grasp the fact that he's gonna have a Daddy's Girl. . . I laid on the table trying to see where my thoughts/feelings had gone wrong. I mean the chinese lady in the nail shop did tell me it was a girl . . . but I was like whatever she's chinese!
So in approximately 4 months we'll get to meet Little Miss Kayla Simone Gardin!!!!
I guess I can go shopping that little boutique right down from the hospital that has all the dresses. I told William to get ready b/c girls are expensive. . .I mean when I go for my mani/pedi, she's gotta go too. . .when does that start, 6 months? When we go shopping, you never buy just one dress or one pair of shoes. She's gonna need her hair done too! So much to do!


  1. Congratulations V! We will be happy to welcome the little Diva into the fold and teach her all the things a lady should know! Exciting!!

  2. Girl I can only imagine the lessons from her KO auntie's!!!! Comedy!
