Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Vitamins . . .

So Monday I called my OB boldly and asked for new prenatal vitamins. It was suggested by a mother of twins to get her to change so I can get some energy back. So the triage nurse proudly called in a month's prescription so I could get it immediately and a 3 month supply to the mail order so I'll be stocked up. She told me which version I was getting so of course. . .as the non-retail pharmacist, I had to look it up to see what "goodies" were in this brand. As I scrolled the website I saw IRON! VOILA! YAY I thought I'll definitely be soaring over the moon with these bad boys. Mental note. . .stop at Walgreens on the way home!
So last night was my last photography class and wouldn't you know it, we went over the time. Class lasted until 920. . so I'm rushing down to the car, hop on the Brookshire, then jet to 85. . b/c I gotta get to Walgreens by 10! (I think they close at 10). I mean I know I watched the clock to ensure that I would AT LEAST have a 5 minute leeway. . .b/c if the pharmacist is ANYTHING like me in my Walgreens days. . . 10 o'clock, we shut it all down! I pull into the pharmacy drive thru (man I like this window . . .TODAY. . .not when I'm working) and gladly give the technician my name! She rings me up and sends me on my way.
You can't begin to imagine the delight I have as she hands me the bag! So I pull into the garage and rush in the door to show William what I got. So he looks at the new vitamin and says. . . "Oh my God, look at that big pill." Crushing my dreams. Yeah it's big but that's b/c it's powerful!
So this morning I get to work and can't wait to eat (an empty stomach with vitamins does NOT sit well with me). Grab my OJ. . .and pop my vitamin! And I just wait as it goes down! Visions of energy just dancing in my head. . .
So I wait an hour. . .no change, I wait 2 hours. . .whew let me go for a walk around the building b/c I'm about to pass out. . .wait for 4 hours and at this point, I'm just a mess! Whew is it too early to take a lunch break and go to my car to take a nap. . .
All in all, nothing happened today. And I KNOW vitamins do not work immediately but I just had such high hopes! Oh well I'll just have to take the new horse pill again tomorrow and try it again!

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Beat Goes On. . .

So today, when the heat index was well above 100 degrees, we trudged our way up 485 to see Dr. Bessent! I didn't have a clue as to what we were doing today. . . I mean all I know is the usual. Walk through the door, complete the hand scan to "id" me, then head to the bathroom for a urine specimen. So I go in, do the bizness. . .and head thru the next ritual.
Hop on the scale . . . what down 3 lbs. . .HOLLA!!! I was hyped, but I think I knew to expect this. You see, when you're pregnant your OB visit is kinda like a Weight Watchers weigh in. All my peeps who've done WW know the routine. Before you step on the scale, it's absolutely imperative that you, wear the same "light" outfit, no shoes, and MAKE SURE YOUR BLADDER IS EMPTY. I mean everyone knows this right, clothes and an empty bladder can add 1-3 lbs easily depending on the time of the year. So this time, I went in a sun dress and flip flops. . .and it worked! It's so nerve racking to go in there and try to tabulate in your head how many lbs you've gained since things started. So we go into the room to wait on the Dr. and she pulls out the machine to hear the heartbeat. I had no clue this was in store for today. But we heard it just as plain as day. William was glad he went to this appt. He kindly let me know that had he not been there that I would have needed to record it. . .go figure! But all the in all . .the beat goes on. . .no we're beating through the 2nd trimester! Woohoo. . .energy and antinausea (I hope) days should be here soon!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I'm tired!!!

So remember last week I THOUGHT I was almost over the fatigue! Nope. . . The takeover continues! Not only have I fallen asleep with my head on the counter at work, today I rushed home (since I was working closer to my house) threw everything on the couch on the floor in William's ofc and laid it down for exactly 25 minutes! He wondered why the books were on the floor when he got home! Sorry but it had to be done.
I keep trying to encourage myself by thinking of those who've done this before me! Monday it was Rhonda Tuesday it was Lindsey today it was Sherrie and Sharese! I think my problem is that my job has periods where it can be dead and that happens right when my body is done! I asked LaTanya (Dr Lofton at CIR) if she could get a couch n her ofc. She said I'm welcome to use her desk when I need it! Bump the desk I'll take the floor!
Saturday is William's birthday! I have had to use that creative side that hasn't been exercised much lately!
Ooops I just remembered something that I forgot. . . Part of this new brain fog!
This wk I've gotten news from some more undercover mommies to be! That's exciting to know that we can trade stories! I'm not alone! It is quite comical to hear all these hilarious stories!
William decided to flip thru my What to Expect book! He was shocked to see how interesting it was! He even had the nerve to compare what symptoms I'm having! That convo didn't go well. He did however discover that maybe I'd like a back rub! So at about 1230 IN THE MORNING my hubby decided to give me a back rub! I was like Why r u hitting/rubbing my back so hard RIGHT now! He said b/c the book said u would like it! Ummm yeah n the morning or after work! But at least he tried!!! Gotta luv him!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

This is the last ultrasound! Had it Thursday! We still can't tell what the "plum" is but all systems are a go!
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Uh oh! I'm Preggo!!!

So it happened folks! Some prayed, speculated, made wagers, hoped, and even counted on it! And it happened. I work in health care, have had countless hours of training in women's health, hormones, the cycles, all that. . .but I HONESTLY did not think it would happen so quickly. So as we roll upon our 5 month wedding anniversary next week, we'll also roll into the beginning of the 2nd trimester for our new baby "plum" this week!
It's been rough going through these initial months b/c you're supposed to keep it hush until the 1st trimester. So without having people to talk to about it . . . I just had to grunt and bear. I mean don't get me wrong William is GREAT! He helps with the cleaning, grocery shopping, my tiredness, my mood swings, my instant hunger changes. . .but some things he can't relate to. Sorry only a women understands why her now hugemongous breasts are so sore or heavy or why at 3pm all you want to do is lay on the floor and take a nap by any means necessary or why it's traumatizing to try on a suit that just a few months ago was loose and now it may be your last time wearing it for a while.
So follow our journey over the next 6 months as we go through 'changes.' I'll put pictures up in a bit. . .but I just wanted to get everyone revved up and ready to go!