So 2009 just had one major thing after another happen. In the baby department, 1st it was Kesha with her big announcement. Then it was Lindsey looking really cute in pink at my wedding. Then D'Asia dropped the bombshell. . .and ooops . . . then it was my turn. After me the list of new baby mammas just grew almost daily.
Now . . . Kesha is playing with Little Isaac, Lindsey is cuddling Julianna, and D'Asia and Tripp have officially met each other. Sooooo I guess it's my turn!
Thus far I've been cool and haven't thought too much about the delivery. I mean everyone has their opinion of the best "birth plan" for me. . .but ummm I've been riding with Dr. Bessent thus far and I'll just hang with her plan. Thanks. Am I opposed to an epidural . . .ummm I'm a pharmacist! Yeah right, don't be surprised if I call 5-2396 and tell the IV Pharmacist to look for an order with my name on it and I'll send someone downstairs to pick it up and sign it out in a minute. Am I opposed to going early . . . ummm no. . .I think she'll make her big debut around 36 weeks but we'll see. Her and God are discussing that right now. Am I opposed to a C-section vs. a vaginal birth. . .ummm no. . .whatever they gotta do to get her out safest is fine with me. So in typing all that one would think I have it all together. Ready to go. . .but man I'm not sure how those contraction things are gonna work out. I can't get anyone to describe it to me. Not one of my baby mamma friends can give me a description of what to expect. For the water breaking thing, I figured it was like it is on TV. . .you get this big SPLASH of water while you're standing up. But from what I hear it's not like that either. Oh well we're just gonna have to see.
This week the cankles have come and gone and come back again. But it's progressed to wearing my Easy Spirits on the regular. My Danskos just don't cut it. . .and those Reebok Classics. . .yeah right. Now though it's also my fingers. I've worn my wedding rings 2 days in the past 2 weeks. I hype myself up every morning by picking up the ring and trying it on. It usually doesn't make it past my knuckle so I just put it back on the chain and wear it around my neck.
Kayla is poking these days. William has somehow developed the habit of calling either me or her his little Butterball. Either way it AIN'T cute. But he feels like its a term of endearment. But me I'm not so sure. Most days I feel like she grew overnight. And everyday at work as I walk from the parking lot to my building I KNOW she grew. By the time I reach the top of the hill. . .I am done! And by that time it's only 7:30 or so. Nowadays I walk into work at 730, 735, 740 just depends on how fast we can get out the car and get it moving. At this point I'm here! I remember the days when I literally RAN back to my building from my car b/c I was running late. Especially after teaching my Funky Fit class. . . I could hop out the car and hit a full sprint all the way to the door. Those were the days!
So I think Kayla is growing some hair. Don't quote me on this b/c I was what you might call a bald-headed baby. But this heartburn thing is for the birds. Of course the old wives tail is that the more hair the baby has the more heartburn you'll have. All I know is that today I took a total of 5 Tums. . .3 after breakfast and 2 after my midday brunch (i.e. not my official lunch but close enuf). And I feel like I need to take 2 more. This stuff just came out of nowhere. I really want to pop a Prilosec, Prevacid or Aciphex but I'd hate to have to get fussed out by my doctor by not following her instructions. These days ANYTHING will give me heartburn/indigestion. Orange Juice, French Toast Sticks, Bacon, Chicken, Chili. . .anything. . .everything.
But with all this indigestion you would think I wouldn't want to eat a thing. But this week I can't seem to stay full. I will eat and then an hour and half later I'm looking for something to munch. And it's not like I can stop it. So I've had to resort back to some healthy snacks. . .eating almonds, oyster crackers . . . anything that I "think" will hold me for a bit longer. . .but it usually ends up being a futile attempt.
Oh well seems like a lot has changed in the past week. . . and to think I have 9 more weeks to go! What will happen next!
China day 4: travel to Guiyang!!!
8 years ago
It will be here before you know it. Just relish these moments with your hubby because you will look back and wonder what happen to all this time. Also, remember there is a huger reward for all your discomforts:-)