Wednesday, December 2, 2009

3 lbs. . .2 oz!

She's growing yall! According to the ultrasound Little Miss is in the 52nd percentile for her weight. Which was good to hear b/c my doctor was just fussing about a pregnant mother who's in her 33rd week and her baby is weighing about 8 lbs. . .Whew! That baby was in the 84th percentile! I keep telling William not to call out or comment on every "big" baby we see. Don't want him to jinx us!
We went on our tour of the maternity ward yesterday. Now this was quite interesting for William and I considering the fact that we've both already been on the 8th floor at CMC. I myself have/had access to the nursery b/c they have drugs in there. And the postpartum room that they showed me was too small to be mine . . . it was even more comforting when the tour guide/educator whispered this won't be the room that you'd get b/c you're an employee. . .Thank you very very much. But it was fine and fun just the same. William has already determined that he's gonna bring an air mattress to the hospital. But knowing my husband while, we're chilling/waiting for Kayla to debut, he may clock in and start working. I wouldn't even be surprised! The educator also told us last night that we need to pack a bag for Kayla, a bag for me, and a bag for William. Now anyone who's been on a trip with us knows that we tend to overpack for just about anything we go to. So to pack 3 bags ahead of time. . .that's gonna be quite interesting. We then went to the nursery to "see" the babies. The educator brought a newborn to the window for all of us to see. And how much did he weigh. . . 8 lbs!!!! That baby looked GROWN! And yet again, William went on to say. . .that baby is BIG!
Next class to take is the "Taking Care of Baby/Infant CPR." Now I know I could probably get by without these classes but hey, why not! They're free to employees and I'm sure I can gain something from each of them. William missed his Daddy Bootcamp for something at church. We've gotta see where we can squeeze that back in.
Our little ladybug is now active (when she wants to be). I've deduced that she LOVES french toast sticks from the cafe. After I eat some of them and I guess once it reaches her system she is too excited. We played "high fives" the other morning. Everytime I pushed on her hand (in my mind it was her hand) she'd give me five right back. The other night, William was rubbing on my stomach, and she pushed like mooove daddy, I'm trying to sleep! Good comedy. I tell ya.
The cankles have officially made their debut. Last week we hosted Thanksgiving dinner at our house. While I got a lot of help, I still had a lot of cooking to do myself. But after being on my feet for about 5 hours (without even thinking about my feet/preggo status) I realized that we might have a new issue. My feet were fat as can be. By the time Friday night at the mall, my Reebok Classics had officially had it. While in the mall, my shoes of choice were some furry Crocs but my Aunt Gina said no way. Soooooo I ended up with some Easy Spirit slide-ins. Anything at that point was better than what I had. I tried wearing my Danskos last week (before Thanksgiving) and those dog on shoes were sooooooooo tight. I almost lost my mind at work. I walked around the pharmacy all day barefoot and pregnant. (Don't tell OSHA!) Now they still haven't gone down to their original size. So in the words of my OB. . I gotta suck it up, I'm pregnant! Tomorrow I'm gonna put on my handy dandy TED hose.
I've also progressed to every other week doctor's appointments! Talk about cramping my work schedule. But we're gonna make it happen. Kayla and I will just have to wobble on to Huntersville every 2 weeks until week 36. . .then it's every week!
At this time I MUST take the opportunity to welcome Aunt Meechy to our fellow readers of this blog. According to Aunt Meechy she's had no prior knowledge of this blog and was only able to catch up yesterday. So welcome Aunt Meechy, we're so happy to have you with us ;)


  1. Do not talk about big babies, lol!! Tell me why I go to the doctor and they tell me I'm measuring 3 weeks ahead of what I am!! Oh well, it is what is :)

  2. Girl my measurements JUST caught up with my due date this week! It's been the story of my life since day 1! I'm sure s(he'll) be fine! I think it's a she!
