Saturday, February 13, 2010

It's almost V-day!!!

So yesterday marked the end/beginning. It was my last day at work before Little Miss makes her debut! Maternity leave according to mothers is not a vacation. . .but by golly when I walked out that door I sure felt like it. There were confused faces of envy all around. Like man she won't be back for months! According to tradition with the older generation, I should sit in the house for 1 month at least without going anywhere. . .but ummmm. . .we'll see how that works out! The Gardins at 2433 Cagle Court have got plans! While Kayla has got things to do and people to see. . .Train up the child right!!! She is gonna be my new road dog!
Tomorrow is Valentine's day. I honestly thought she'd be here by now, considering all the "excitement" we had during the 1st and 2nd trimester. . .but this chick is not pressed! So I didn't "prepare" anything b/c I didn't want to have to cancel it or let money be wasted. I had great ideas. . . but nothing ever materialized. My hubby though has some plans but he told me he felt the same way. He was nervous about making any type of plans during the month of February.
We got snow for the 3rd week in a row. Makes me think I'm back in the Midwest, except they don't have the excellent road crews so when it snows here you're stuck, until it heats up or the sun comes out! And now William is more protective than ever so he's a bit dramatic when I talk about rolling out!
Our 1 year anniversary is 3 weeks away! YIPPEE!!! That's a big deal! It's been a heck of a year. A lot has gone on, changed. . .it's bananas! So I DEFINITELY need to have that night planned. . .at least try to steal away for an hour or so!
It's almost time for me to get moving/ready. I'll try to remember to take a picture!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Kayla's coming!

So I know it's been weeks since I've posted. . .but in an effort to prepare for Kayla's arrival I guess my body has taken a somewhat break from wanting to do much extra.
Lately, I haven't called many people (I know even less than those that I already do call) but when I do send a text or call I get the immediate question. . .r u okay? r u in labor? How's Kayla. . .My response is usually no, no I was just calling to chat or tell you this or that! Everyday when I leave work, my coworkers all say, maybe we'll see you tomorrow, and everyday I say, yeah you will. Little Miss Kayla is in no hurry to see us! She is CHILLING! Snug and cozy. . .maybe if the weather gets better she'll decide to grace us with her presence, grace and beauty!
Here are a couple of pics that I took at a shower or so a few weeks ago. . .So you can see me and my progress!