Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ooops. . .Sorry!

Okay so why didn't anyone tell me that when you're pregnant you become clumsy! I have dropped something everyday this week. And all for no reason at all. Monday it was my decaf White Mocha from Caribou right at the front door all over the carpet (I had to tell Ms. Gwen so they could pull out the heavy duty cleaners/vacuum to shampoo the carpet b/c the ants who have had a field day), yesterday it was the ceramic flour canister at home (yep flour and pieces of ceramic all over the kitchen floor. . .William did such a wonderful job cleaning it up!), today it was my orange juice (as I'm walking down the hill back to my building with my oatmeal in hand there it goes rolling down to the bottom of the hill). . .it has all just somehow fallen out of my hands!!! And when I mention it to people they're like. . .oh yeah that happens! Why? This isn't in the books!!!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

'Tis the season!

So contrary to what many may have thought. . .we've been pregnant for quite a while. Meaning we've known since VERY early in the pregnancy. We knew it before it even showed up on the ultrasound. All it was was just a little black spot! But now there's so much more. So when we finally decided to officially "let the cat out the bag" although the Wade fam knew before we confirmed a thing. . . I tried to find some pregnancy friends. Someone to be pregnant at the same time. I just figured it would make it easier knowing you had a preggo buddy. . .But it seemed like oh well it was just gonna be me. . .
But little did I know that these chicks were in the mix all along they just weren't saying anything. So right after me, there's Chiana, Rhonda, Niccole, & Reecy!!!!!!!! What in the world!!!!! I suspected Niccole and Reecy but got no confirmation until this week! Go figure!
So Kayla's gonna have some buddies!! Luckily Reecy and Chiana both live in Charlotte. Niccole and Rhonda still need to move!
Welcome aboard ladies! Have fun on this journey as we all prepare for the little miracles that have been placed within us! Welcome aboard!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's a . . . .GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah burst my little bubble! I just KNEW it was a boy! I was convinced that there would be no getting up early to do hair, buying dresses, nails, etc. . .But as the ultrasound technician moved that little wand over the stomach, as I'm eagerly watching to see if I can tell, I hear William Gasp and say Oh my God!!! I was like what, as the technician pointed to the hip bones, etc. . she was like yep that's right buddy. . .get ready it's a girl!!! So as my shell shocked husband tried to grasp the fact that he's gonna have a Daddy's Girl. . . I laid on the table trying to see where my thoughts/feelings had gone wrong. I mean the chinese lady in the nail shop did tell me it was a girl . . . but I was like whatever she's chinese!
So in approximately 4 months we'll get to meet Little Miss Kayla Simone Gardin!!!!
I guess I can go shopping that little boutique right down from the hospital that has all the dresses. I told William to get ready b/c girls are expensive. . .I mean when I go for my mani/pedi, she's gotta go too. . .when does that start, 6 months? When we go shopping, you never buy just one dress or one pair of shoes. She's gonna need her hair done too! So much to do!

Monday, September 7, 2009

I forgot. . .

So b/c I waited so long I forgot to mention a few things. .

The new vitamins!!! - One day if you ask me I'll say yes they're working.. . but other days. . .naw dawg it's the same ol' thing! They're by far not nearly as nasty (much bigger of course) as the others so I can take them without discomfort! AS for the energy. . .last week I only had to go to my car one day on my lunch break! Luckily it's been cooler in NC so I was able to crack the window a bit and catch my shut eye! But then the next day I was fine! Who knows. . . I'm waiting for my pregnancy high --- similar to the runner's high (when you've been running for so long that you get a 2nd burst of energy and are able to make it a few more miles w/o as much effort!)

Pregnancy brain - If I don't write it down. . .you can forget it (not all the time but ALOT!) One day I was up on the floor at work with a patient's chart in my hand and I couldn't remember a dog on thing! It took me a few moments to figure out my next move! Str8 comedy!

New appetite! - Luckily for me I can't eat for two! If you take me out for dinner consider me a cheap date! I have to eat portions of my meal at a time. I get full soooooooooo quickly it's pretty weird. But in the opinion of my doctor that's good b/c my weight has been steady so far, no sudden jumps! So I can still have my pepperoni pizza when needed!!!! Papa John's thin crust . . .mmmm mmmm good!

BTW. . .Today is my anniversary! 6 months baby! Time flies when you're having fun. . . or a baby I guess!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Know!!!

So it's been a few weeks/days since I've added an entry! But honestly it's just been a lot going on! Aside from officially reaching the 3rd decade of my life! It's been weeks of feelings of ups and downs! Pregnancy pains, growing pains. . .all that! For my birthday . . . my honey bunny hubby. . .took me to the Southern Part of Heaven for a conference at the pharmacy school and then we spent time with the fam and friends! So cute. . .but his hands were tied b/c of the "takeover." I never know how I'm gonna feel. Then the next morning got a mani/pedi and went SHOPPING! Yay! Maternity clothes! My new wardrobe! It's the most unreal feeling to wake up one morning and have it all in your head what you're going to wear. So you walk to the closet all calm and confident (b/c of course you're not going to put on skinny jeans or anything) . . .pull the pants of the hanger. . .and just gasp! The button's not working! And that belly band that I have isn't my favorite things. . .so blue scrubs it is! But now I have some pants, jeans, shirts, and dresses. I'm going to have to go against my dresses at the hospital rule. Dresses are just much more comfortable than anything else! Especially my weigh in dress. . .it's as light as a feather!

So today marks 16 wks and 1 day! WOOOHOOO!!! You'd think the world was carrying this extra bundle. Everyday you get the question, do you know what you're having? When are you going to find out? William's mother is about to have a panic attack if she doesn't find out soon! She already bought some Jordan booties! They have pink on them. . .so if it's a boy, I don't know what she's gonna do. So I've found myself trying to calm others down and say it's okay, we'll find out soon enough! The only one who's there to calm me is my doctor (in her best calming style . . .b/c that chick far from calm) and William.

I've been having some stressful/painful weeks so I had to give up teaching my Funky Fit class! I was soooooooooo sad, but I understand business is business so I told Nettie to go ahead and take me out. I just was not reliable, although she was more than happy to wait for me to be sure, but I didn't feel it was fair to my regulars. They deserve a strong instructor who's pumped and ready to go for the 45 min lunch time workout. . .and me, shooooooot . . .after the the intro song, I was starting to feel like woooo yall sweating yet! But I went back last week after 1.5 wks w/ no exercise! Of course, the other instructors and Nettie were on me like white on rice to take it easy. Today was the MJ/Labor Day midday workout and it's so easy to get caught up in the music but my "takeover" bundle wasn't having that! I mean I can make it through the class but not nearly like I used too! This is so weird for me! I mean I'm the chick who would drive halfway across STL for a step class right after I finished my spinning class! So for 5 more months. . .I'll be the low impact/no impact, walking/trotting around the track. . .But afterwards. . .who knows. . .I've already solicited my coworker to run a half marathon with me! Sure it's to help her in her weight loss goals. . .but ummm. . .it's also so I can whip myself back into shape after the baby arrives. . . .I've got a few ideas/plans for all this. Gotta make sure I register for the jogger baby stroller!!!!!

What else has been up! So I finished my photography class and for my birthday. . . my honey bunny hubby got me Photoshop Elements! HOLLA!!!! I'm super crunk over the baby pictures that we're gonna have. William wants to take the class when he has time (yeah uh huh whenever that is). . .but he's gonna have to get crash training from me so we can tag team this!

Lately I've been having the BEST conversations with my fellow young professional mommy friends! Women who are mastering or have mastered the true essence of Work-Life-Balance! Our conversations have ranged from Hynobabies, Waterbirths, Dermoblast, C-Sections, Work schedules. . .and the list goes on and on! Most recently I talked to Sienna's mom (Niccole :)) and she is FULL of good stuff! But I'm not surprised Niccole has ALWAYS been easy to talk to and just a good voice to hear! I was so excited to hear from her and all she had to say! My girlfriends are the best! They're all doing their things! Within my circles I have SEVERAL prayer partners who're there when I need them most (even when I don't realize it), Nurses (who're my very own personal doulas --- Mary & Tiff (both of whom work in L&D)), government agents, pharmacists, lawyers, teachers. . .and the list goes on and on and on (I even have my very own Japanese tutor for when our child decides to become international in their chosen field - Thx E!)! It's now that I'm appreciating them most and loving the access that I have to them! If you think I've relied on your before ladies. . .you just wait!