My story. . .Kayla arrived at 4:34pm on February 17, 2010.
My hubby and I left the Blake Hotel at about 5:50 am on that morning. We stayed right down the street from the hospital b/c our appt was at 6am and we weren't too interested in driving the 40 minutes from Gastonia. The night before we went and had fine dining at "Floyds" on The Plaza. LOL. . .that's an oxymoron. Floyd's is great soul food. . but it's not exactly "fine." We arrived at the hospital at about 5:55 am and had to go meet Kim near the Pediatric ER b/c she couldn't figure out how to get to the main entrace of the hospital. Kim was very persistent and didn't care if we wanted her in the room or not, she wasn't interested in missing a minute of Kayla's 1st big day. So after waiting about 15 minutes for my escort and William and Kim, they took me upstairs to my room where I was told to undress and comfy so we could start the induction. My MD decided to do an induction b/c in her words. . .it felt like I'd been pregnant forever! LOL. . .it was 3 days prior to my due date and with all the up and downs of the past 10 weeks she knew that I wanted HER. Not Dr. Rausch and not Dr Mallard. . .Dr. Bessent please!
At 7:30 my doctor buzzed in the room to tell the nurse that she's about to come in and break my water. Then at 8 am they started my Pitocin to get the contractions going good and strong. And boy oh boy were they. . .I mean it changed so much. I have NEVER felt a pain like those contractions. They rock you from your inner core and there is NOTHING that you can do to prepare. I can't even describe what it felt like. But I had no choice. . .I'd already prayed to God about why we have to go through painful childbirth. . .but at that point, I was mad at Eve. . .she messed it up for errybody!
Well after I'd endured about 3 hours of contractions, I was DONE! I looked at my nurse, Sheiva and said did she think it was too early to get my epidural. She kindly looked at me and gave the "standard" answer (it's your decision, it's never too early, yada yada yada) to which I gave her the "realest" response that I could muster up. I basically told her to keep it real and give me the truth. . .keep the fluff. . .too which she responded yeah let's wait a little bit longer. So I did. . .about an hour and then I got it. . .that wonderful clear bag with the red label. . .MY EPIDURAL. (4 cm) At 1230p I the anesthesiologist walked through the door and I was so happy to see his smiling face. He even posed for a picture. And once that sucka kicked in. . . it was easy sailing. I was able to relax and take a nap. I didn't even trip when William ate his Chick Fil A fries (that smelled sooo good) right in the room. Or when everyone walked through the door with their Starbucks cups! Nope I was cool, just give me my ice and my apple juice!
So I took an hour and a half nap and when I woke up I felt some "pressure" no pain, just pressure and the nurse checked me and said I was at 9 cm. . .1 more to go buddy!!! She called Dr. Bessent (who was working in Huntersville) and by the time she got there BAM 10 cm at about 4pm.
She came in like the whirlwind she is. Propped my feet, got Kim and William squared away, told the nurse to get herself together b/c we're about to have a baby. . .and by 434pm and 5 pushes. . .VOILA. . .She was here!
So today is March 25th and Kayla has been here for 5 weeks and a day! I have so many pictures to post, milestones to share!
I don't even know where to begin.
As of today, my doll baby currently wakes up approximately 2-3 times per night. . not bad at all. We generally get one 4 hour stretch of uninterrupted sleep. Last night I was sleeping so hard that when I woke up before she did I had to remember where I was. She is learning to like/love her bassinets. . .that was a straight up battle in the beginning. . .but we're winning.
Kayla has had visitors from as far away as Japan to as close as Gastonia (of course). She has outgrown almost all of the "newborn" clothes and now rocking 0-3 month outfits. She has been to the mall, church, doctor's offices, Carrabas and a few other places. Yesterday my big girl rode all the way from Concord Mills with no major crying episodes. She just looked out the window at this big ol' world.
I will post some pictures soon. Right now my camera is downstairs and I don't feel like going to get the card. But I promise to be back soon!
China day 4: travel to Guiyang!!!
8 years ago
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