So it's been almost 3 weeks with NO lunchtime car naps! Well today in my tired state of mind. . .what do I think about. . .a nap!!!! In September my lunchtime naps were rather pleasant. Wasn't too hot, not to cold, comfortable, put the windows down and lay it back! So today I go outside with the "thought" of taking a nap. . .guess what happened! It's too chilly! Can I sleep in my jacket and be comfy, should I crank the car and turn on the heat? "Oh No," I thought! What am I going to do during the 3rd trimester? It's gonna be a cold winter and I gotta make it through November, December, January, and some of February! So I'm taking any and all suggestions on how to make it through b/c everyone told me the tiredness, need for lunchtime naps, etc all come back in the end! So ummmmmm. . ..somebody's gotta figure out something!
So my peeps in St Louis have been on my head about pictures. They feel like I'm so far away and that they're not a part of this important time. So last night William took a picture so they could see how me and Kayla are carrying each other! Not the best pic, but. . .

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