William does more research on the sly than he'll ever imagine. So when he popped up with the idea to go get a 3D/4D ultrasound I just shook it off like yeah whatever. Quite honestly, the week that he suggested it was a true emotional rollercoaster and I just couldn't wrap my mind around another task. So I simply replied. . .okay baby! Well the next day he calls and informs me that we have a 1pm appt on Saturday. . .to which I replied. . huh? Who knew he'd get on this so soon. At that point in the week and even on Saturday morning I was still a tad bit hesitant and didn't have the energy to get too too excited. But he calls me at about 1150 from church and is like okay I'm on my way. . .to which again I replied. . .huh. . .okay!!! So I rush to get ready (I mean I was actually trying to get some chores done on a Saturday morning like the people on TV versus on a random night during the week). So we leave and head to Ballantyne! Good area in Charlotte so it can't be something too bootleg. We arrive at this building and enter into this sanctuary. . .music low, dim lights, and friendly faces welcoming us into this experiece. We register and are led back into the ultrasound room! Now this is part that I'm familiar with. Hop up on the table, pull your dress up or pants down below your stomach and lay back!
The owner, Mary Lucas (who to this day thinks my husband is hilarious), operates the ultrasound machine and it looks just like the ones at the doctor's office. Well then she flips this button and VOILA. . .we see Kayla's legs in 3D/4D (I'm not sure which one). . . .Now when I tell you those were the cutest legs, feets, and toes that I've ever seen! We were toooooooo excited. By that point of course I was crunk and eager to see her face. Well little Miss Kayla has a bit of me and William in her b/c chick would not move b/c I guess she just didn't feel like it. She was face down and would NOT turn her head so we can see her face. So Mary invited us to return a few days later to see if she'd turned.
Well this time we invited my mother and William's mother. . .b/c you can have up to 10 additional guests for this type of ultrasound. . .On the 2nd try. . . with an audience. . . it was all the way live! They LOVED it!!!!!!!!! Those two new grandmothers to be were to threw with themselves! They have spotted everything on the ultrasound to dimples, a big booty. . .mind you, babies don't have fat on them until later in the pregnancy! So we'll see! None the less we got a few glimpses of her face. .and of course those cute toes again!
Next visit is in December when she's bigger and had a lot more features to view!!!

For those of you pregnant mommies out there. . .we highly recommend The Prenatal Picture in Ballantyne!