Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kayla on My Mind!

So Kayla's room is finished! Well for the most part. In the event that she decides that she doesn't want to be in the room with me and her daddy, she can move into her private area! :)
We still have to get a few "finishing" touches but I think she'll be happy with how we've prepared for her! I hope she likes it!


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Monday, January 4, 2010

The beginning . . .of the end. . . maybe?

So this week will start Week 34 of my pregnancy. In medical terms, that means if Kayla Simone decides that she's tired of being in this cramped up space that if she tries to start some labor, my doctors won't stop her. They'll let her run the show! That's exciting!!!
But my "nesting" instict hasn't kicked in. So I'm not so sure that she'll be here this week. We're not ready. We have purposely not bought much other than clothes b/c there are 3-4 lingering baby showers out there. Regardless of my "gut feelings" about when she's coming, I couldn't make the planners plan the showers early. And the holidays (just like my wedding plans) basically knock out a whole month. Now we do have some things but my critical supply is not up to par yet. Clothes she'll be dressed to impress for well into her first year! I mean those people who knew Geneva Wade should have no problems thinking anything less! My grandma didn't put me out there in mess so I CAN'T do that to her.
But she might still need a diaper or two. . .a bottle, maybe I mean the plan is to breastfeed but. . .we'll see, Oh yeah gotta get some of those onesie/t-shirt things.
William's nesting instict has started. I arrived home last week to find a man on a cleaning spree. The Christmas tree was outside, the decorations in the attics and closets cleaned and thinned for Goodwill. So I won't be surprised in the least if I come home to find a crib put together, etc etc etc. He gets like that! So that part of her room will be done.
William officially starts his new job today. He's now a Director of Rehab . . .still with the same company, just a different building. Now he'll be working in Charlotte. . .closer to me and Kayla in case something pops off while I'm at work. . .oh yeah gotta pack that bag for the just in case!
We had our childbirth class last week. It was a lot. . .did we need to go, who knows, but hey it was free! So I'll use all that CHS has to offer. In it, William was able to "feel" what it's like to carry a baby! Take a look!



Happy Monday!
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