So Monday I called my OB boldly and asked for new prenatal vitamins. It was suggested by a mother of twins to get her to change so I can get some energy back. So the triage nurse proudly called in a month's prescription so I could get it immediately and a 3 month supply to the mail order so I'll be stocked up. She told me which version I was getting so of course. . .as the non-retail pharmacist, I had to look it up to see what "goodies" were in this brand. As I scrolled the website I saw IRON! VOILA! YAY I thought I'll definitely be soaring over the moon with these bad boys. Mental note. . .stop at Walgreens on the way home!
So last night was my last photography class and wouldn't you know it, we went over the time. Class lasted until 920. . so I'm rushing down to the car, hop on the Brookshire, then jet to 85. . b/c I gotta get to Walgreens by 10! (I think they close at 10). I mean I know I watched the clock to ensure that I would AT LEAST have a 5 minute leeway. . .b/c if the pharmacist is ANYTHING like me in my Walgreens days. . . 10 o'clock, we shut it all down! I pull into the pharmacy drive thru (man I like this window . . .TODAY. . .not when I'm working) and gladly give the technician my name! She rings me up and sends me on my way.
You can't begin to imagine the delight I have as she hands me the bag! So I pull into the garage and rush in the door to show William what I got. So he looks at the new vitamin and says. . . "Oh my God, look at that big pill." Crushing my dreams. Yeah it's big but that's b/c it's powerful!
So this morning I get to work and can't wait to eat (an empty stomach with vitamins does NOT sit well with me). Grab my OJ. . .and pop my vitamin! And I just wait as it goes down! Visions of energy just dancing in my head. . .
So I wait an hour. . .no change, I wait 2 hours. . .whew let me go for a walk around the building b/c I'm about to pass out. . .wait for 4 hours and at this point, I'm just a mess! Whew is it too early to take a lunch break and go to my car to take a nap. . .
All in all, nothing happened today. And I KNOW vitamins do not work immediately but I just had such high hopes! Oh well I'll just have to take the new horse pill again tomorrow and try it again!
China day 4: travel to Guiyang!!!
8 years ago